About TheoPhilos
The International Committee on Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration (TheoPhilos) was formally created in 2005 by the 15th ICOMOS General Assembly in Xi’an, China. Our central focus is the relation of conservation theory to practice, from which flows a concern for the growing body of doctrinal texts that continue to shape the discipline.
TheoPhilos typically organises two or three conferences per year. Our Spring conference, held along with our Annual General Meeting, takes place in Florence, Italy. Other conferences are typically held elsewhere and are organised in collaboration with other ICOMOS ISCs or National Committees. We have a longstanding relationship with the Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco in Florence, who generously host our Spring conference and Annual General Meeting.
We are particularly keen to encourage emerging professionals, whether from practice or academia; we do this through speaking and publication opportunities relating to our conferences, and through a developing mentorship programme. We have a close relationship with ICOMOS Poland, and we’re also keen to encourage representation within TheoPhilos from outside of Europe.
The TheoPhilos Bureau comprises seven Expert Members, voted for at our annual meetings, with each Bureau running for a period of three years; the current Bureau was elected in March 2024. The TheoPhilos Bylaws are available here.
For information on How to Join, and for details of the current Bureau, other Expert Members and Associate Members, please see the Membership page.